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Reimagining Trackpad Usability

The design and development of Trackpad web and app for Livspace, with a focus on user research and new features to create a high-performing and intuitive product.

My Role

Product Designer


Kirtee (PD), Chitranshu (Researcher), Snehal (Lead PD), Mumuksh (PM)


3 Months

Skills / Tools

Research, User Interviews, Heuristics, Comparative Analysis, Insights Gathering, Project Management

Project Overview

As of now, it has been observed that the majority of Trackpad use is because it has been made mandatory by the business rather than users’ willingness. There are also a few features with low usage such as photo upload, comments etc. There are also a few OL/OC processes that are either offline or if online, not serving the user’s end goal.

This study will start from India, so that we can move Trackpad UI to Hive (new design system) for brand consistency, along with we will also observe/monitor other parameters which are useful to rate our features from OL’s perspective on different parameters like usefulness, usability will be done too.


This exercise helped us in comparing trackpad app with similar products in the market.


Geo focus for the research: India (p.s. internationalisation planning in 2023)

Research Objectives

Research Objectives.png

Research Methods

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Heuristic Evaluation

We conducted a heuristic evaluation of Trackpad's web interface to identify usability issues and make recommendations to fix them.

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Comparative Analysis

We compared Trackpad with other project tracking tools in the market, both web and app-based, to identify gaps and opportunities.

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Reading Material

We read previous interview transcripts, insights and articles to understand industry project management tools and workflows.

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One-on-One User Interviews

We conducted in-depth user interviews with current Trackpad users to understand their experiences, needs, and pain points.

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Analysis and Insights

We analysed data and insights gathered from all research methods to make recommendations for improving Trackpad.

Research Calendar


Heuristic Evaluation

We conducted a heuristic evaluation of Trackpad's web interface to identify usability issues and make recommendations to fix them. We looked at key flows such as task creation, task management, project creation, and project management. Based on our evaluation, we made the following recommendations:

Trackpad Heuristic Evaluation Recommendations.png

Comparative Analysis

We compared Trackpad with other project tracking tools in the market, both web and app-based, to identify gaps and opportunities. We evaluated the following tools:

Web Tools

We created a competitive matrix to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of each tool.

Feature metrics.png
App Analysis

We have compared four tools and found that Asana and Powerplay are the best options for our needs. Powerplay is
a construction management tool with similar functionality to Trackpad, while Asana is a project management tool that can be used to incorporate the remaining features we require. Overall, these two tools have the most number of features from our list and are the best choices for our purposes.

These two tools have better-

  • User interaction

  • Home screen features

  • Onboarding screen details

  • User-friendly approach, throughout the tool

  • Seamless experience

Web Analysis

After evaluating five different project management tools, we have concluded that Asana and Monday are the best choices for our needs. Asana is user-friendly and offers a customizable dashboard and timeline/Gantt chart, while Monday has a strong user experience for project listing. Both tools offer comprehensive features and are highly effective.

These two tools have better-

  • User interaction

  • Home screen features

  • Onboarding screens

  • Gantt chart / timeline

  • User-friendly approach, throughout the tool

  • Seamless experience

Previous Research Notes

Prior to conducting the elaborate research, our project management and research teams conducted several interviews with different objectives. After reviewing all the collected material, we gained a comprehensive understanding of the process Online Learning (OL) users follow. We extracted relevant insights to revamp the tool and created a journey map to visualize the user's emotions. The map revealed that users were frustrated at few stages.

Journey Maping.png


After the usability testing sessions were completed, we conducted the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire to gather quantitative data on the overall usability of the website. SUS is a widely used survey for measuring the perceived usability of a system, and it consists of 10 items rated on a 5-point Likert scale (ranging from "Strongly Agree" to "Strongly Disagree"). The scores range from 1 to 5, with higher scores indicating better usability.


To ensure the accuracy of the data, we sent the survey to a total of 60 participants. We received responses from 50. The results of the SUS questionnaire were encouraging, with an average score of 68.35 out of 100. This score is above the industry average of 68 and indicates that users found the website to be somewhat usable.


There were still some areas that needed improvement, such as complexity, inconsistencies, the learning curve and the overall visual design. We aimed to achieve SUS score of 80 after a few new feature launches.


Google form questions screenshot

One-on-One User Interviews

We conducted in-depth user interviews with current Trackpad users to understand their experiences, needs, and pain points. We interviewed 3 OLs from different business units. Here are the key findings from our interviews:​​

  • Task assignment and status tracking

  • Difficult to track task status when offline

  • Collaboration with team members

  • Difficulty in keeping track of team


Questionnaire screenshot

Raw data, Affinity Maps and Insights

After gathering all the data and transcribing interviews, the next step is to analyse the data to extract valuable insights that can be used to improve the Trackpad app & web user experience. In this stage, to segregate the raw data we used affinity mapping. This will help identify the key issues and areas of improvement that need to be addressed. This helped us narrow down the focus to essential features which generates maximum values to users.

Raw data & affinity mapping sneak peak

Presenting the Findings

Finally, we presented the research findings to stakeholders, including the UX team, PM, developers and PMM. This ensured that everyone involved in Trackpad development understands the user's needs and expectations.

Features which can be implemented in our tools

The end result for this research was to identify which features do we want to implement in Trackpad web and app to simplify user lives.

List of Features​​

  • Onboarding screens on app, and guided videos for user for every new feature

  • User guide and help tab in application

  • Notification and alert feature where user will get the new or latest updates

  • Gantt chart feature

  • ​Site photos and videos folder with proper filter and segregation

  • Task and progress feature on homepage

  • Filter for task segregation

  • Customisable dashboard for user

  • Help Feature

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