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Simplifying Files Accessibility

'Files & Photos' Feature for Trackpad App, an app used by Operation Leads at Livspace

My Role

Product Designer


Kirtee (PD), Snehal (Lead PD), Mumuksh (PM)


2 Weeks Sprint

Skills / Tools

UXD, Secondary Research, Hi-fi Prototype, Interaction Design, User Flow, Project Management


To provide a centralised location for storing and organising home interior projects' documents and photos, making them easily accessible by all collaborators.


The Trackpad app provides better organization and accessibility of documents and photos on the go. This empowers users to work more efficiently and effectively, eliminating the need for after-hours work processes and carrying laptops on site visits. The app's file uploading and sharing features further enhance usability, while its search function and folder structure make it easier for users to locate specific documents as needed.



The primary users in this case are Operation Leads (OLs) at Livspace. OLs are the point of contact for home interior clients and internal teams when the interior projects’ execution stage starts. On a daily basis, OLs work with vendors, vendor managers, territory managers (city-based reporting managers), and clients whose homes Livspace is designing.

Trackpad is a Software as a Service (SaaS) tool that is designed for daily task tracking and project management. The web-based version of Trackpad primarily focuses on project planning and timeline management, while the mobile app (cross platform) provides on-the-go tasks management.

During Trackpad Revamp Research the team (me, researcher, lead product designer & PM) collectively decided that Files and photos feature should be launched on app first and then depending on users’ response it will be adopted for web tool as well.

Key Results

Increase OL Efficiency
from ~15 mins to
~20 secs
RRR (Relative Risk Reduction ) Due to
Less Error

Notes & Previous Research

From Trackpad Revamp Research, I first organised all notes by picking out the issues users faced, as well as any points of confusion and pain. With the help of a user researcher,
I organised these notes, which helped me focus on pain points and ideate on them.

Problems Understanding

For the majority of users, it was frustrating to attempt and find the relevant document while they are on site visit. One Operation Lead typically handle 3 to 4 interior projects at a time and 6 to 8 if it’s peak period of the year. During this time they had to carry printouts of certain documents and carry laptops with them for all the site visits.

User needs

User Needs

Heuristic Evaluation

As a part of secondary research I worked on heuristic analysis of one of the competitor app called Powerplay. It’s a mobile app that simplifies site-to-office communication for better collaboration on your construction projects. This exercise helped me understand user interface elements and got better understanding of user interactions.

Heuristic Evaluation

User flow, wireframes & rapid prototype

Next step was to make user flow and kickstart wireframes. In wireframes sage I explore iterations and then locked on one approach. Rapid prototype helped me take a decision.

Wireframes & Rapid Prototype

UI & interactions

Livspace has a design system in place. For UI I started off with design tokens. Design tokens helped for agile prototyping and testing. I could quickly execute the UI and test it on Figma mobile app.

Final discussion, feedback & Dev handoff

After developing hifi prototype, there were one round of feedback with Lead Product designer and we explored few more iterations. I conducted usability testing with couple of OLs (because of time crunch I had to keep it short).

UT score was good. I walked dev team and other PM through the high fidelity prototype. Once it was developed I tested the iOS & android app build as a part of UX review process and we were ready to launch the feature!

Future for Files & Photos Feature

To improve the user experience and address potential network issues, we are planning to add an offline file access option for on-site OLs. This feature will enable users to access files without a network connection, ensuring that they can continue to work even in areas with poor connectivity.

In addition, we are also planning to add an in-app camera for internal use. This camera will allow users to capture photos within the app, including location and time stamps, making it easier to keep track of work progress and collaborate with team members.

My Learnings

One of the key learnings from this project was the importance of user research and feedback. By listening to our users' pain points and addressing them directly, I was able to create a feature that met their needs and was well-received.

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